National Fungi Day Celebration


£7.50 for a day pass 12pm - 4pm (plus booking fee)

£7.50 for an evening pass 4pm - 8pm (Plus booking fee)

Purchase both passes if you would like to come for the whole day.

Wristbands will be issued on the gate on the day.

Join us in a celebration of the incredible world of all things Fungi. A family fun day and evening that has been 6 months in the making. Celebrating the incredible work of Wot Pots, over the summer Wot Pots have been hosting The Great Mushroom Make Off. The Make off took place over a series of free community workshops through June to September, with the aim of creating 1000 clay mushrooms. This amazing effort crescendos in an incredible display of the clay mushrooms integrated with a Light, touch and sound sensory extravaganza.